Wednesday, June 16, 2010

For Here or To Go?

Two things you need to know about me before I begin this blog. Number one, I need coffee to function in the morning. Number two, I hate waking up early. Naturally, because of these two issues I have been happily bringing my coffee to work with me in one of the stainless steel travel mugs that looks really stealth and quite possibly like I swiped it from Batman. However, I also have a fabulous collection of Starbucks mugs. (Not that I am prejudiced to any other coffee establishment, but I like how Starbucks mugs are super giant and can really hold like three cups of coffee in one mug.) Every morning I would eat my breakfast of champs--a bowl of Honey-nut Cheerios--and then fix my coffee to my liking--sugar free french vanilla creamer with two Splendas--and head off to work, but I felt like I could hear my mugs calling me from their organized place in the cabinet. These mugs were generally reserved for Saturday mornings when I had the time to lounge around and sip my Dunkin Donuts coffee that came from the extra-large bag my husband stocks up on for me at CostCo. Still, it felt like a shame to use these fun mugs only once a week.

One weekend my sister, Laura came to visit. She decided to leave Monday morning instead of Sunday night and so we had coffee in the morning before I had to leave for work. It was so fun! I loved just chillaxing (Chilling + Relaxing = Chillaxing) before hitting the grind. So, I started getting up just a little bit earlier and forced myself to sit down and enjoy my delicious coffee in my super fun and giant Starbucks mugs. I have to say, it is the best part of my day. This morning I was so enjoying my coffee moment, that I thought I would take a picture of the cup of coffee that was so delicious and helped me get my buns perpendicular for the day. I should add that is one of the few mugs that is not from Starbucks. This was a birthday present to me from Anthropologie, which by the way, has super cute mugs too.

While we are on the topic of coffee, I would like to give a shout-out to all my straight up coffee drinkers who prefer it black. You are my heroes and although I may not have told you this, there is a part of me that thinks it's super cool that you go raw-hide like that. Now, I add cream and sugar (or sugar-substitute, I should say) to my coffee. I was actually told once that I was not a true coffee lover because of this apparently blasphemous act. But I say, "nay!" If you cut me, do I not bleed? If there is moisture in the air, will my hair not frizz? If I add cream and sugar to my coffee, do I not enjoy my cup of joe? Anywho, maybe I will take this time to warn the coffee snobs out there. The next time someone tells me I am not a true coffee lover, be warned, I will kick you in the shins. Then I will run away to a safe location where you can't find me to retaliate and there I will laugh at my act of revenge. Consider you all warned.


  1. I can totally still picture "A.M. Pam" with the your travel mug in hand and a huge grin on your face. Ah I miss those days! While I am a straight-up black coffee kinda girl...I don't not judge your two splenda packets and sugar free french vanilla creamer. There is some satisfaction in knowing I am your hero. All of that to say... there is a line that must be drawn. A Caribou Carmel Cooler---that's not coffee. Can I get an amen?
