I had three goals for myself for the month of January since I was going to have more free time without any grad classes (Second semester starts in February). The first was to write an exorbitant amount of terribly witty blogs for my undying fans. The second was to sew a new swanky wardrobe with the new sewing machine my parents gave me for Christmas. The third was to get my scrapbook up to date on the vacations that Troy and I took. As you can see this is only my fifth blog for the month. I did take out my sewing machine and read the instruction manual cover to cover, but not even a stitch was sewn. And I did make some progress on the scrapbook, although I am still a whole year behind. So, basically, I am 0 for 3.
January was a month of reflection for me as I reveled in the time sans text books, research papers and lesson plans. I did think a lot about topics to write about for Nonsense. Though many of my ideas are still peculating, I do have one thought that may be refined enough to tide you over. This month I realized that I there are things in life that I love and hate at the same time. I call them, my Love/Hate Relationships.
This idea first came to my mind a couple of weeks ago. I was all snuggled in my warm
bed, relaxing under the weight of the blankets and thinking to myself that I am so in love with this moment right now. I let the weight of the day sink into my mattress and rested my head carelessly on my Martha Stewart feather pillow. I realized that this moment would be fleeting. In what would feel like mere minutes, my alarm clock would be calling out to me, forcing me to greet the day. That was when I realized that I loved and hated that moment all at once. I loved how comfortable and quiet it was, but hated how short it would feel when the early morning alarm went off.

My next example takes you down a rabbit hole, but stay with me. I was casually looking at my rear end in the mirror, when I noticed that it didn't look quite so bumpy or gross as I last remembered. I will be honest in telling you that I may have lingered a longer glance than was necessary, but I felt like there was a noticeable differenc
e. I had read in a magazine that if you rub lotion in a circular motion, it helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. I thought it was a bunch of baloney at first but figured, why not give it a try. Fast forward to my derriƩr stare. My first thought as I looked in the mirror was, "Hmm, I guess that lotion rubbing really works." I am sure it didn't have anything to do with the endless squats, lunges and miles I have run for the past six months. The next time I was doing my lunges after my epiphany, I found my next Love/Hate Relationship. Squats and lunges. They destroy me. There are mornings that I have a hard time getting out of bed after a lower body workout. But my butt doesn't lie, therefore I also love them.
Reality T.V. has got to be the world's best example of a love/hate relationship. As I am typing, Jersey Shore keeps flashing me and I have a cramp in my neck from craning my head every few minutes to catch a glimpse. Am I slowing lowering my intelligence by watching this program? Most definitely. Will that stop me from finishing the episode? Probably not. Reality T.V. is taking over our minds. Whether you're addicted to the Bachelor, Kate plus 8, Sarah Palin's Alaska or American Idol, you love it. But isn't there a small part of you that also hates it at the same time? While you are sitting on your rump watching the boob-tube, everyday people are being filmed for television. Love/Hate Relationship.
So there you go. Love/Hate Relationships are those things you love and hate at the same time. You're welcome for that. Post your own Love/Hate Relationships. If you wanna . . . or don't. I'll probably Love/Hate them.

Reality T.V. has got to be the world's best example of a love/hate relationship. As I am typing, Jersey Shore keeps flashing me and I have a cramp in my neck from craning my head every few minutes to catch a glimpse. Am I slowing lowering my intelligence by watching this program? Most definitely. Will that stop me from finishing the episode? Probably not. Reality T.V. is taking over our minds. Whether you're addicted to the Bachelor, Kate plus 8, Sarah Palin's Alaska or American Idol, you love it. But isn't there a small part of you that also hates it at the same time? While you are sitting on your rump watching the boob-tube, everyday people are being filmed for television. Love/Hate Relationship.
So there you go. Love/Hate Relationships are those things you love and hate at the same time. You're welcome for that. Post your own Love/Hate Relationships. If you wanna . . . or don't. I'll probably Love/Hate them.