Look at me. First of all, I look like a boy which is never good, secondly between my braces and glasses I have more metal on my face than a Buick LaSabre, I am wearing an over-sized jean jacket and yes, that is a Santa Sweatshirt with matching sweatpants I am sporting. Thankfully when I got to high school, I started to care a little more about how I was presenting myself and college refined my look so now when I go out into public, I no longer scare small children or get mistaken for the opposite gender.
These fashion faux-pas are a huge reason why I have generally placed fashion over common sense in my young adult life. These are the reasons why I am constantly paranoid I am dressing like a "mom." For years I refused to own a pair of snow boots because I would rather have my frost-bitten toes jammed inside a pair of cute and dainty flats than warm and toasty clod-hopper-boots. I didn't wear stocking caps because quite frankly, they tend to look like male contraceptives on my head. I would often get reprimanded by mother-figures where I worked and one time was even threatened with a call home to my mom about my lack of precaution in the winter months.

However, living in Minnesota for five years of my post-college-life has me changing my view point and focusing more on common sense. This also has me feeling very frumpy. I am finding that I don't have much of a choice in the matter any more. These past couple of weeks have been so cold, with wind chills below zero. That combined with the fact that the Twin Cities had a record snowfall of over 30 inches for the month of December makes one want to bundle up. It also makes one feel like Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story where you can't put your arms down. My friend Lisa and I took a picture where we are all bundled up. Though my countenance looks proud, I am absolutely not. I am . . . Minnesota Frumpy. High School Pam would be mortified by this picture. Although, she probably would have keeled right over to know that I had posted Junior High Pam on the internet.
All this to say that I think I might actually be a real adult now. I think this to be true because I am crossing over into the dark side. The side that cares more about dry feet and warm appendages rather than walking out to your car looking cute. I am starting to embrace the Minnesota Frump as common place and the norm for my everyday winter wardrobe . . . but I don't have to like it.
However, living in Minnesota for five years of my post-college-life has me changing my view point and focusing more on common sense. This also has me feeling very frumpy. I am finding that I don't have much of a choice in the matter any more. These past couple of weeks have been so cold, with wind chills below zero. That combined with the fact that the Twin Cities had a record snowfall of over 30 inches for the month of December makes one want to bundle up. It also makes one feel like Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story where you can't put your arms down. My friend Lisa and I took a picture where we are all bundled up. Though my countenance looks proud, I am absolutely not. I am . . . Minnesota Frumpy. High School Pam would be mortified by this picture. Although, she probably would have keeled right over to know that I had posted Junior High Pam on the internet.
All this to say that I think I might actually be a real adult now. I think this to be true because I am crossing over into the dark side. The side that cares more about dry feet and warm appendages rather than walking out to your car looking cute. I am starting to embrace the Minnesota Frump as common place and the norm for my everyday winter wardrobe . . . but I don't have to like it.
I must be an adult now too because I think you look super cute bundled up in MN! I don't think I ever put a winter hat on my head until I moved to CO. Yeah, our high school selves would be mortified. I shake my head in disapproval when I see kids out in winter who aren't properly dressed.
ReplyDeleteOoohhh, I remember wearing long underwear under my jeans when I had to go outside for recess (teaching). Do you do that? I got some super-fancy (not) ones called cuddleduds.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you're talking about, we look great!