I bought a new outfit for the party. A silk, razor-back, black top tucked into a flattering black skirt. I loved the outfit. I felt very classy. The best part about the outfit was - hands down - the pockets in the skirt. Whenever I try on a dress or a skirt and it has pockets, it totally makes the outfit so much better. My friend even had pockets in her wedding dress this summer, which in my opinion, only made her dress that much more awesome.
Pockets in general are like cozy friends. They warm your hands, they hold on to your chap stick and when you are feeling awkward, they allow you to put your fidgety digits in their hidden cove. I had a couple of pairs of dresspants that didn't have pockets. I never knew what to do with myself when I wore them. Where do I put my chapstick? Where do I shove my hands? I eventually got rid of those pants, mostly because I hated that they didn't have pockets. Someone who bought them from Goodwill is now struggling with the same issues I had with them. Although there is a very good possibility that the new pocket-less pants owner is not quite as neurotic as me . . . . . Who even makes pants without pockets? The same people who weren't hugged enough as children. That's who. Because pockets are a wardobe's way of telling us that we are cared for. Who doesn't love that?
Everyone loves pockets. Think of all the great things named after pockets: pocket watch, Polly Pocket, pita pockets, Hot Pockets, etc. I think one of the reasons why pockets are so great is because of the word's German root, which means bag. Just a thought.
With that, I'll leave you with a song:
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away. With that, I'll leave you with a song:
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.
See, even Perry Como thought pockets were awesome.
Seriously. Pockets. Pants are pretty much pointless without them. I agree.