Troy told me that he wanted to take me to Kincaid's in St. Paul, but the earliest reservation they had was at 9:10 at night. We decided to take it. Plus in the movies, people always go out to dinner late. It makes it more swanky. We drove into the capitol city where there were twinkling Christmas lights brightening up the streets of St. Paul. We pulled into the parking garage and found a spot close to the elevators!! This was a major bonus for me who was wearing cute cocktail attire that was not at all functional for the bitter Minnesota winters. My legs and toes were exposed so that I could wear my cute black, silk skirt with my fabulous peep-toe shoes. I mean, we were going to a swanky restaurant, so I had to bust out the big guns. Another awesome part of the the evening was that we didn't even need to venture out in the cold!! The parking garage opened right up to the restaurant!! Double bonus. As we walked through the hallway to Kincaid's, there was a Christmas tree made entirely out of red and white poinsettias. It was beautiful.
The inside of the restaurant looks like a fancy hunting lodge. Red, black and white plaid carpet, shiny red and gold plaid drapes, large artwork donning the walls, antlers and fish paintings mounted around
. It seemed like at any second, King Henry VIII would come waltzing in with his entourage and his wife of the season after a long afternoon of pheasant hunting. We were sat near the back of restaurant and I slid into the booth while Troy sat in the chair that had a view of the outside. Our server, Todd, made us aware of all the delicious specials of the evening, took our drink and appetizer order and left us in our cozy nook. Troy asked if I wanted to switch spots because he could see some of the Christmas lights outside. (Does that man know me well or what?) When I sat in his seat, I saw all the Christmas lights that made the skating rink outside magical! I was so excited, I may or may not have let out a little squeal and when I happened to glance at a table near us, I saw an old man look at me with amusement. I guess not too many people get excited about Christmas lights these days.

I decided to order the mahi-mahi with lobster over a bed of fluffy Yukon Gold mashed potatoes complemented by crispy asparagus. When I ordered, Todd said, "Excellent choice." Just like in the movies!! We began our meal with fried calamari and bread that was so good, I thought I was going to melt under the table while I chewed. Troy ordered a delicious steak and we shared parts of our meals all while using impeccable table manners and laughing gaily at the other's clever comments. Since it was a swanky anniversary dinner, we had to get desert. At Todd's suggestion, we ordered a decadent chocolate cake with icing that was warmed up to the point of it almost being liquid. Then Todd drizzled hot fudge over top that was the perfect mix of sweetness and bitterness and Troy and I found ourselves dipping our
fingers in the small gravy boat that housed the leftover fudge.

We left the restaurant feeling full and very swanky. Then we drove around St. Paul listening to Christmas music and looking at Christmas lights. We even saw the leg lamp from A Christmas Story in one of the front windows!! You better believe we backtracked so we could see it again. Pure awesomeness. Besides our wedding day, this may have been the next best night ever. I thought for sure Rob Reiner was going to jump out from under the table or the back seat of our car and yell, "Cut! Let's try this scene again." But Rob never did. I was the lead female role in my own movie last night and I am pretty sure I am going to win an Academy Award for that category. I am also feeling pretty confident that Troy is a shoe-in for best actor in a leading role. Look for us at the ceremony. We'll be the swanky ones . . . . winning.
Night photo of Marcy in St. Paul taken from www.mitchster.com which is a super cool website that had great photos of the Twin Cities.
Night photo of Marcy in St. Paul taken from www.mitchster.com which is a super cool website that had great photos of the Twin Cities.
Awwww! -Noel