From the title of this blog, I am sure you can gather that I am an air conditioning snob. When I came in from the garage, and the air conditioning gave me a big giant hug, it was amazing. It was like the air conditioning said, 'Let me cool you and your swoobs.' And you know what, it did.
Our friend Kasey lives in Washington, D.C. (which is super hot and dare I say, balmy, in the summer). He told Troy that his power went out for a couple of days, which meant that his house was now hotter than Hades without the power running the A/C. I was thinking about what I would do if our power went out. I would definitely get a hotel room. Thankfully, Troy is also an air conditioning snob, so I am pretty sure that it wouldn't take too much convincing on my part to hit up a HoJo. If that didn't work, we would probably just spend all day at our local Barnes and Noble where the temperature is always in the lovely, low seventies.
I guess should also mention, that I am a bit of a heat snob also. Troy calls it the "Kohler Cold" because my dad is the same way too. It almost seems like if the temperature goes over 78 degrees, we are sweltering and if it lower than 70, we are freezing. Of course it doesn't help that the upstairs of our house doesn't seem to benefit from our central heating/air system. In the summer, it is super hot and in the wi

While we are on the topic of temperatures . . . can I just take a minute and vent about something? I hate it when I am all sweaty and then I go take a shower. It feels great while I am in there and then I have to get dressed or dry my hair (which doesn't happen very often in the summer) and I am instantly sweaty again. I hate that. Honestly, I am dreading that since I got myself all nasty in the garage and I am going to go shower after posting this blog. I am sure that this scenario will be played out. I have even tried showering with cold water . . . my sweat glands laugh at my fundamental thinking.
So, this is a shout out to air conditioning. I love you. And if you ceased to exist, I would probably spend all my time in the closest body of water to stay cool. This would ultimately force my body to evolve into a fish-like creature and then we would have a Little Mermaid situation on our hands. Therefore, thanks to air conditioning, Troy doesn't have to fight Ursula the Octopus on the open sea and I get to keep my voice. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
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