Trait #1: I love to make meals from scratch. They taste better and I think it is fun. I know I have told you that it is not uncommon to see me working in the kitchen with an apron on, hunched over my most prized, kitchen possession, my Kitchen Aid Mixer. (Seriously, if our house was on fire, I would maybe run into the burning building for that.) However, I like to make these meals with quality foods and sometimes, I do go the organic route. Those pesticides freak me out, and I can't stop thinking about how they were made to kill bugs, so what is that doing to me? Quite honestly, if we could afford it, I would maybe go 100% organic. How's that for hippie?
Trait #2: I love to be outside. I get rejuvenated from creation. **Side Note: when I was in college, there was a hill that was between our undergrad campus and our seminary at Bethel. The hill is known to students as Sem Hill. There is a bonfire pit up there, and a few benches and it is just beautiful. When I would get stressed out with classes or roommates, I would go up there by myself and just relax. In the summer, I love to go on bike rides and walks rather than drive my car, and I love to go camping. But you will never see me in a pair of Chacos. I am not that granola. I realized that this one sentence might alienate me from many of my Minnesotan friends, but let's be honest, you know me. I am more likely to rock out a pair of Mary Jane Crocs than Chacos. June Cleaver wouldn't wear them, and I won't either.
Trait #3: Speaking of footwear, my latest obsession is with Toms. Toms are canvas shoes that are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned in my life. I cannot say enough awesome things about these shoes. The coolest part about Toms are that with every pair of shoes you buy, Toms donates a pair of shoes to a child in a third world country. It is fantastic. So, every time you buy something from them, you're also helping others. I have two pairs right now, and they are my favorite shoes, not only because they are cute and comfortable, but because it feels good to know that you are paying it forward. June Cleaver would definitely be down with that.
Trait #4: On Thursday, the night custodian came into our classroom to collect the trash. Next to the recycling bin was an empty plastic container that use to house animal crackers. The custodian had two garbage cans that he pushed into our class, but they looked the exact same, so I assumed they were both for trash. When he thr
ew the container into one of his bins, I alarmingly informed him that the container can be recycled!! He then told me that was his recycling bin. I felt kind of stupid, but I am pretty into to recycling. Troy has been also. He even brings home his empty, plastic containers to recycle them at home. What a good green husband! Some people may think that recycling is granola, but going green saves energy which in turn saves money and keeps things nice for the next generation. June wouldn't want Wally or Beav's kids to be playing in a dump, so she would definitely be on board for the three Rs, reduce, reuse, recycle!

Anyway, even after I write this, I realize my friend who called me a hippie, was right. I don't think I ever thought about it before, but I guess I am and you know what? I am gosh, darn cool with that. As long as I can still be classy like June and wear my pearls and apron with my Toms.