Unfortunately, I also seem to be surrounded by a plethora of people who are not funny . . . but who think they are. These are the same people who lay out painfully dry comments with a look on their face that tells you that they are amused by their own comments. Good for you . . . because I am less than thrilled over here. There is one person who immediately comes to mind. His jokes are so bad that I have implemented the Three Laughs and You're Out Rule. The rule is simple. I will fake-laugh at three of his bad jokes. Then I'm done. Not even a snicker after that. Straight up . . . stone, cold, face. And I don't even feel bad. I already gave him three pity laughs. That's all I can do. Now he needs to take a hint. I'm not doing this guy any favors by encouraging the poor humor.
I have lately gotten a lot of jokes relating to our unfinished bathroom. You may or may not be aware of the fact that we are renovating our bathroom. Long story short, we had to replace the tub and decided to do a gut job for a better resale value. We ripped out our bathroom the Monday before Thanksgiving and have not been able to shower at home since that Sunday before. Thankfully we are members at Lifetime Fitness and have been showering there. However, when I mention to people that we haven't showered at home in almost three months, the big joke is, "They haven't showered in three months," followed by a long pause as though they are waiting for me to roar with laughter. If you are reading this and happen to be one of the people who have thought this comment was funny, don't feel bad, you're not the only one who thought this was a hilarious joke. You should know that this is a very weak joke. If your first response is similar to something that 80% of the population would want to say, come up with some new material.

This made me wonder if I might be a humor snob. However, this would be an appropriate time to mention that I am a huge fan of lame jokes - that is jokes that are meant to be lame. For example, jokes that my students tell me or a play on words. If someone called me today and asked me if my refrigerator was running and then told me to go chase it, I would probably keel over. Can I still be a humor snob if I laugh at something like that? The next thought that I had while pondering this idea was even more scary. What if people think that my jokes are lame. Maybe there are people out there who implement their own Three Strikes and You're Out Rule with me. But then I realized that I am fantastically witty and charming and the possibility of that being true is so slim that I would more likely be probed by aliens.
Hey, there's something under there!!!
I laughed out loud . . . well, it was really more of a snicker.