Today was the day the washer and dryer would come home to live with us. When I heard the truck pull up into our driveway, I shouted, "They're here!!" and I ran to the door to greet Roberto with a big smile and friendly hello as if he were family. "I'm here to deliver and washer and dryer," Roberto said matter-of-factly. "Yes! Yes! That's us!!" I replied, eagerly. I showed him to the laundry room which actually only entailed me pointed to my right since the laundry room is directly off the front hall. Roberto, after looking at the tight laundry room and stack-able washer and dryer that he would soon be removing, slumped his shoulders and said, "Well, this should be fun." Umm, thanks a lot, Roberto. You're ruining New Washer and Dryer Day.
After a quick switch-a-roo and test run of the washer, Roberto left me and Troy to spend some time alone with our new appliances. It was a little overwhelming because of all the buttons, but these pieces of machinery are beautiful and I already gave them a hug. I quickly threw a load of laundry in the washer and we pushed all the fancy buttons to make it operate how we wanted. Then we sat on the floor with a flash light watching the maiden wash cycle to see what was going on in there. I wish I could tell you that I was joking, but I'm not. We seriously did this. And we enjoyed it. We aren't the only ones who like our new toys. The first time we opened the front load washer door, our cat, Olivia, jumped in and made herself comfortable. It was pretty cute.
I have now been doing laundry all afternoon and will be continuing to do so into the evening. Partly because I love my new friends but mostly because our old washer died when our dirty clothes basket was already at its highest peak. I have three weeks of dirty clothes, towels, and sheets to clean. I didn't realize how desperate we were getting with clean clothes supply until I put away some of Troy's clean boxers. He only had three clean pairs left!! Looks like that washer and dryer came just in time!! Whew!
The best part about the new washer and dryer is that when the cycle is compete, it sings to you! I'm serious. Our old dryer would make this horrendous buzzing sound, but the washer and the dryer both play this cheerful little melody when the cycle is done! It also plays a little tune when you turn it on! I love it. Also, there are tons of buttons and they light up!! Plus there is a digital timer to tell you how much longer til the clothes are done! It's awesome. Troy and I only wish that there were lights on the inside of them though. Maybe a little disco ball? A strobe light? Another awesome thing about the washer is that it is energy efficient, so basically I am saving the world every time I do a load. You're welcome.
Well, I have to get going now. I just heard my dryer sing to me . . . I think the new washer and dryer love living here as much as we love having them. I can't be sure, but I think they hugged me back earlier today . . .
Cool if I drop off some laundry
ReplyDeleteObviously. I have run out of dirty clothes and I already miss time with my new friends.
ReplyDeleteOh how I wish we had a new washer and dryer. I feel your love of your new shiny appliances!! Why do things like this make us so happy? One can only guess...but i was singing to myself the other day when I pulled out my brand new food processor! I was pretty proud of it...
ReplyDeleteMe too I hot the New Nu-ave oven and I felt so happy. I actually sat in a chair and watched it take out all the oil in the food and watche all the oil land at the bottom. I even got to watch it deform and all that! Yoiu can say that it was pretty weird thing to do, but I was happy. What else was I supposed to do I mean sure I could've sat on the couch and watched television, but I couldn't. I was so happy. I was even sitting at the table witch is next to the door and wairing got the delivery man to come and give it to me. I heard a nowk and snatched the door nob right off!!!!!! But I got my Oven and fortunatley the delivery man was a great repair worker too.!!!!! I had steak and pork chops with stir fry for dinner