Finally, after many moments of breathing through my nose, I hear, "Pamela?" and I shuffle to the back exam room for my shot. The PA pulls my my sleeve, swabs my [raging] bicep and is about to poke me when she tells me that this flu shot also has the H1N1 string in it so I don't have to worry about getting two shots. This is the part where I wigged out. I nearly jumped off the table. Here's my problem with the H1N1 shots; they freak me out. I just don't know enough about them and I am convinced that no one really does. Now, everyone knows that Troy and I are not jumping on the baby train anytime soon. We haven't even purchased our tickets, or even made our way to the station, but it is in the five-year-plan. I am worried that in a few years, researchers will found out that the H1N1 vaccine has some super weird side effect. I mean, it was orginally called the Swine Flu. Gross.
I have always thought that my fears about the vaccine were fairly valid - until I had to explain to the PA who is now looking at me like a compete psycho. As I am trying to explain my theory, I am slowly realizing that I might be an idiot. She tells me that it is completely safe (sure, sure, that's what you would say!) and that doctors actually recommend pregnant women to get that H1N1 vaccine. She also mentioned that all the flu shots for this season contain that particular strand. I ended up getting the dang shot and then apologizing profusely for my freak out episode. She told me it happens all the time. Great. Now, I'm just another weirdo on the street.
Oh well, what's done is done. If our children come out with a third arm or nine toes, we'll know why. I did take a few extra milligrams of folic acid, just in case. You're welcome, offspring.
Hahahaa, funny story. Taht actually happened to me exept im not a teacher, not pregnent, I don't have a phobia, and im just a kid! But I went to get the vaccination, and i was thinking how messed up i would become in the future because if taking it. I asked them about the side effects and EVRYTHING! They explained to me that the only side effect (which it wasn't really one) was that I woudn't get the swine flu (HINI):) It was a long day. They even told me that it happens all the time! I felt sooo stupid. :) funny but you learn a lesson too.