A few months ago, I met Troy for lunch at work. Instead of a friendly hello, he was greeted with a glum wife on the verge of tears. That morning I realized I had lost one of the little diamonds in my wedding band. It wasn't the fact that I had to get the small rock replaced, it was more of a sentimental feeling of loss that I was upset about. That ring is supposed to symbolize our unending love for each other and it was falling apart. (Deep, right?) Since I am a sentimental schmuck, this was upsetting to me.
Troy, being the fabulous husband that he is, swiftly took me to the jeweler to get it fixed and while there we learned that to avoid losing any more diamonds, I was going to have to get my engagement and wedding rings soldered. I really didn't want to do that. I had visions of my giving my rings to my children and though rings can also be un-soldered, it took away the tender vision. (Once again, reiterating that I am a sentimental schmuck.) I was also suffering from the sticker shock of the price to replace the diamond, re-tighten all the prongs and now the soldering, that I didn't want to pay to get my rings re-sized, per the recommendation of the jeweler because when the rings are together, it makes for a smaller size than the original ring.
For months now, I have been squeezing a size 4 1/2 ring on my size 5 finger. My finger hates this and often tries to rebel, by either holding my ring captive or not allowing it's passage. I decided that enough was enough. With my birthday being around the corner I concluded that for my birthday, I wanted to correct what I should have done months ago and re-size my ring. So, this was one of my many errands that I ran yesterday. For a day and a half now I have been ring-less, which I didn't think would be that big of a deal . . . until thoughts ran a-muck.

Here's my problem. I think to much and sometimes these thoughts run a-muck. Yes, that's right, a-muck. Like today when I was at the doctor's office with Troy. (He had laser eye surgery!) He has his wedding band resting proudly where it should be, while I am bare-fingered. My run-a-muck thoughts are thinking, "What if these people think I am his mistress? Maybe they think he is cheating on his wife with me!" Which, in actuality, wouldn't really be cheating, since in this scenario I am the wife and the hussy, but they don't know that. Another run-a-muck thought happened today at Target when I bought Olivia and Molly a new scratching post because they have annihilated the one my folks bought them. As I was in the check out lane, I wondered if the cashier was thinking, "Hmm, another single lady with cats . . . pathetic."
Thankfully, I came right home with no plans of venturing out tonight. Due in part to my new ring-less-phobia but mostly because Troy's still healing from his laser eye surgery. Number one errand on my list tomorrow is to get my rings back so I don't look like a crazy-cat-lady-home-wrecker.