Monday, March 17, 2014

Fabric, Glue and Macaroni

When I was in kindergarten, I made the most fabulous craft. It is probably my favorite work of art, which is really a shame and somewhat sad that I am openly admitting that I "craft-peaked" at the age of five but this piece was really the cat's meow. It has all the characteristics needed to make a glorious craft; pasta, metallic paint, Christmas-themed, picture of a sweaty kindergartener (our school didn't have air conditioning so when we took our school pictures in the fall, everybody's hair had a matted down, wet look thanks to the perspiration.)

The craft was to make an ornament to give to our families for Christmas. (Schools weren't politically correct way back in the late 80's, so we openly celebrated Christmas in school. Gasp!) We were given a wooden, circular disc and we glued various kinds of macaroni all around the edges. Then our teacher spray painted the whole thing with GOLD paint (I know!) and finally, we glued the school picture of our sweaty selves in the middle. It was/is fabulous. 

Fast forward to twenty-(cough-cough!)-some years later and I am still that little kindergartener who loves macaroni and paint projects. This is one reason why I waste spend so much time on Pinterest. I have found some great little gems and had many successes with crafts, recipes and ideas.

Rewind to the beginning of February. My whole family went to visit my sister and her hubs in the Mitten, A.K.A. Michigan. The girls wanted to do a little shopping, so my sister took us to her local Jo-Ann Fabric and I decided to get a bunch of fabric to use for different projects that I have been thinking about making. Plus, my husband was in charge of watching the wee babe which meant I had the rare privilege of using TWO hands AT THE SAME TIME! Needless to say, I went hog wild. At one point, I think I had ten bolts of fabric in my cart. (I widdled it down to six bolts when all was said and done.) I went to the fabric cutting station and rattled off the measurements for each bolt of fabric. The lady at the counter was making small talk with me as she cut my material and asked what I was planning to make. I told her there was a few things I saw on Pinterest that I gave me some ideas for my creations. Then she told me that she NEVER makes anything she pins on Pinterest. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked her if that was true. She said she always pins stuff but never does it and she didn't know many people who did.

Now....I know a lot of people who are not, shall we say, go-getters. But for the love of gold spray painted macaroni - she works in a Jo-Ann Fabrics!!! A mecca for crafters!! She has a surplus of hot glue sticks, beads, and ric-rac at her fingertips and she never tries anything she pins on Pinterest?! Blasphemous! Well, I was so upset, that I left Jo-Ann Fabrics.....

....right after I purchased all my goodies. 

These past few weeks as I worked on my crafts, I kept thinking about that Jo-Ann Fabric lady. I decided that I should probably blog about this, since this is my electronic diary. Therefore I am going to devote the next few posts to my super awesome crafts that I have made and I am going to entitle the posts "In Your Face Fabric Lady!" in case you want to check back in and see how I showed her. And, oh, how I will show her!

Until then, I will leave with this little gem. That's right, it's my ornament I made as a wee kinder. I thought that you too would like to revel in its awesomeness. You're welcome.

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