Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pregnancy Brain

I know. It seems like I have abandoned you. I suppose to a certain extent, it is true. My last post was a million years ago; at least that is what it feels like. The truth is, the unthinkable has happened. The hubs and I decided to expand our family. First we got a dog, Bruce . . . . and then a few weeks later, we found out I was pregnant. I think our families and friends were shocked. After all, Troy and I were on the two year plan, which just so happened to get bumped back everyday. But, we were bound to procreate someday and five years later, that day has come. Baby Boy Carlson will make his debut the end of May.

Thus, part of the reason for my absence from the blog world. For the longest time, we were just trying to keep our huge secret. I was really worried we would end up spilling the beans. After all, Troy and I would talk about the baby all the time and then when we were around others, we had to pretend like nothing new was happening. We wanted to wait until I was in my second trimester and things were safe, but mostly we waited because my sister, Laura got married the beginning of November and we didn't want to share the news until after her big day. 

When we did share the news, the reactions were hilarious. We decided to tell our families by pretending to take a picture while the camera was on video. That way, we would always be able to see our family's reactions. Troy told the families to say "Pam's pregnant!" My family in particular was in a small state of denial.  They all put on their nice smiles and repeated his phrase without thinking about what they said! It was so funny! I have personally watched the video about 30 times and each time I still laugh so hard. The best is Laura's reaction when she goes after Troy for an excited hug while he is still filming. Here's the video. It is definitely worth the watch.

Anywho, it's been an easy pregnancy, in fact, my friend Becca called it a "ghost pregnancy" because I haven't really had any symptoms besides about three weeks of nausea and exhaustion. There is one symptom I have that I thought was an old wives tale - that is my Pregnancy Brain also called Momnesia. I thought this was a joke, until I started walking into a room to get something and by the time I got there, I had already forgotten what I needed. Or when I start to tell Troy a story about something that happened that day and I can't remember the rest of the story while I am in the middle of it. I also tend to blurt things out that are completely stupid. Thankfully, that happens mostly around Troy - albeit just about everyday - but there have been a few times when my Pregnancy Brain fly its freak flag for the world to see and the two stories below are the best ones so far.

The Phantom Phone Incident
One afternoon, I was talking on the phone with Laura while on my way home from work. I parked in the garage and started collecting all my things to bring inside, but once inside I realized I had forgotten to bring my phone into the house. The next few minutes are a product of my pregnancy brain, and I suppose I have to take responsibility for my actions; however, this in no way lowers the embarrassment level I encumbered that day.
"Oh, shoot! I think I left my phone in the car." I said.
"What?" Laura replied, confused.
"I think I must have left my phone in the car; it's not in the pocket of my purse where I usually keep it. I better go get it." I explained.
"Do you mean, you left the phone you are using to talk to me with in your car?" Laura said, slowly.

Here's the problem with this scenario is that it repeated itself the very next day. That's right folks. I called Laura again the next day on my way home from work, came into the house, and announced to her that I left my phone in the car . . . again. We had not yet shared our news, so I think Laura was concerned, and with good reason.
Catch Phrase Freak Out Incident
Troy and I were invited to a dinner at the home of one of his colleague's. Afterwards, we played a few games of Catch Phrase. If you haven't played this game, you have to get your team to say a particular word without saying it yourself. Teams can steal points if the buzzer goes off during their turn to guess. **Side Note: I am notoriously loud while playing this game and use large hand gestures. Troy often has to tell me to calm down and lower my voice. I will literally be shouting by the end of the game.

We decided to play girls against guys. The buzzer went off on the guys and us gals had a chance to make a guess as to what the word was and steal a point. My teammate said she thought the word might be "convict." I nodded as I mulled over the clues that the guys had given and knew that I had thought of the perfect answer. I shouted out, "CONVICT!" as though this was a new idea. I found that everyone at the table was laughing at me. "Christine just said that," Troy told me. Oh my word. I am sure my face turned so red. What on earth is wrong with me. I am pretty sure I heard her, but it was like those moments were completely wiped out of my brain.

To make matters worse, I realized as we were about to put our coats on, I had a price tag still attached to the new maternity shirt I was wearing. I had been rocking that tag all day. It was the icing on the cake. Thankfully our hosts thought my Pregnancy Brain was funny. I had warned them about it before we started the game. I think they thought I was just setting myself up to save face should my team lose. After that night, they saw that I have just completely lost my mind.

While I seem to have misplaced my brain for the time being, it does make for some entertaining moments in the Carlson household. So, I write this blog as a warning to all you who happen to be near a pregnant woman. Watch them closely, you may get to see them do something hilarious. Like put their cell phone in the fridge in exchange for a glass of water, and let it stay there all night long. (Yes, my friend actually did that.) 

Let's just be grateful I am not a surgeon. I only work with children. They are resilient.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing and hilarious all at the same time! Thanks for the laugh today friend :)
