Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5-Hour Energy

Today was my first day back to work after the Christmas break. This morning, I was surprised at how alert I was considering the cats kept me up all night. I think that one of them was on duty at all times to make sure that Troy and I wouldn't dash off on another vacation. I also think that they needed to make sure that it was actually Troy and I sleeping in our bed and not a couple of posers. I think these things to be true because they both walked over me all night or took up all the valuable foot room. Anywho, I was feeling pretty good for most of the day, until about noon when I hit a wall. I think I could have slept standing up. (I may or may not have mastered the art of sleeping sitting up straight during our many car rides over the holiday. The only hint I give you when I am sleeping is the fact that my mouth is gaping open, catching flies. Since many people comfortable sit/stand with their mouth completely wide open, I am sure it would be hard for you to tell that I am in fact sleeping.)

This lack of energy really had me jonesing for a Dunkin Donuts coffee, unfortunately, there are not any in Minnesota, nor would I have been able to leave my students long enough to get one. (Sigh) Lately I have seen commercials for the 5-Hour Energy Drink. I am very curious to know how it works. To be honest, it kind of freaks me out. It is a small bottle, like one of those small bottles of adult spirits you can purchase for an exorbitant amount of money in a mini bar. How can the the contents in that small bottle give you enough energy for five hours . . . legally? Troy and I were commenting on how we are too nervous to try it. I am fairly certain that if I were to consume that teeny beverage, my heart would explode. This fear hinders me from a taste test.

I googled (don't you just love how that is a verb now?) the ingredients of this drink and found a website that informed me that 5-Hour Energy is mostly charged with vitamins and of course caffeine, it did however, come with a list of side effects. One being a rash from too much vitamin B3, possible paralysis from an overdose of B6, not to mention the possibilities of vomiting, disorientation, nausea, panic attacks, involuntarily shaking and an irregular heart beat from the amount of caffeine in the product. And if that isn't enough to worry you, they also have 5-Hour Energy Extra for extra yaking purpose.

While those side effects sound like a smashing, good time, I think I will pass. Alas, I am not a risk takers when it comes to 5-Hour Energy. I would rather sip on a large, Dunkin Donuts, French Vanilla coffee with extra cream and two Splenda to get my energy. The way God intended it.

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