Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

When my sister Laura and I were in high school, we started a tradition with my mom that we get up wicked early in the morning the day after Thanksgiving for the door buster sales. We would be up and at the mall by 5 am. **Side Note: I was usually very quiet/crabby at this time. My mom and Laura would tease me about getting a coffee right away and a snack to help the moodiness of my low blood sugar and lack of caffeine. By the way, when people tease you at 5 am, it is not funny. Especially if you are not a morning person, like myself.** There have been some years where we haven't been able to do the Black Friday shopping because sometimes Troy and I can't make it down to Chicago in time, but then we just go hog wild for the day after Christmas sales!

This year, I flew solo for the shopping event. I didn't get up as early as my mom and sister would want me to, but I was up and at 'em at 7:30, which is early for me, especially if I have a day off of work! I was worried that because I was going so late that there wouldn't be any good sales, or any good merchandise left. When I arrived at my favorite shopping center, Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove, it looked like any other average shopping afternoon. I didn't have any trouble finding parking, cute items to purchase and there were no grumpy shoppers in sight. In fact, I sneezed while waiting in line at the Gap and a woman, very kindly said, "God Bless You!"

This makes me wonder while today is called "Black Friday." First of all, it is the first full day of the Christmas season, and secondly, it involves shopping. These happen to be two of my favorite things all mixed together. The only thing that would make this day any better would be if Troy came with me, completely decorated in Christmas lights. Then all of the things I love would be present. Today should be called Gold Friday because today is so awesome. I found great deals, put a dent in gifts for family, (and a few gifts for me) and came home in one piece with a credit card that is not smoking a hole through my wallet.

So, happy Gold Friday to all you who sucked it up and got up early to save a little dough-ray-me and enjoy the first day of the Christmas season.

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