There are plenty of things that make being a girl difficult. Being coordinated in heels, (guys, prepare yourselves for this next one) menstruating and cramps, fat days . . . the list goes on and on. But one thing I love about being a girl is when I have the time to get all gussied up. When Troy and I have date nights, taking an exorbitant amount of time primping is part of what makes the date so fun.
We like to go out to dinner around 8 on date night days because something about eating that late makes us feel classy and important. Plus in all the classic movies, the guy always picks the girl up at least after 7. I start getting ready at least an hour and a half before we have to leave. I take a super long shower, shave my legs even though part of me feels like it is a complete waste - once I open the shower curtain and feel the outside air, I get goosebumps which completely eradicates the act of shaving. I put on my cute robe while my hair gets the attention that it needs as well as extra time on my make up. If it is warm outside, I always wear a dress. I know some of you are thinking, this is stupid, but I think you are underestimating the power that women have when they get all gussied up. I know my husband
appreciates the extra time I take . . . well, maybe not if he is hungry.

When I walk downstairs for the reveling, Troy, being the fantastic husband that he is, always comments on how nice I look and then he shows me off at . . . the Olive Garden. Hey, the Olive Garden might just be a run of the mill restaurant to you, but to a young couple trying to save their pennies for retirement, it's our date night place! Besides, we enjoy going so that is all that matters. We really go all out while we are there too, wine, appetizers, dinner and then tiramisu.
So, if you're looking for me, I'll be showing off my cute husband at the Olive Garden. I'll be the gal all gussied up.
Bed Bath Beyond... Home Depot... and we did have enough time for the Olive Garden.