I am currently working on getting my masters in education. I have class every Thursday night from 4:45 to 9:30. Since I go right to class directly from work, it makes for a long day. Because of this, I treat myself to a Dunn Brother's coffee and a yogurt parfait.
**Side Note: Those yogurt parfaits are delicious. If you haven't had one, you need to drop what you are doing and get yourself one.**Today I was feeling rather chipper and thought to myself, "Self, maybe you don't need t

o get a coffee today, just get that delicious, crack-infested, yogurt parfait." And so that was my plan as I was walked through the sky-ways of Minneapolis. Then, I got to the Dunn Brothers and realized . . . . that the holiday cups were there, just
waiting for me to enjoy my coffee with a little cardboard cup of holiday cheer. So, I did what any self-respecting, Christmas-loving, American-consumer would do . . . I bought a cup of coffee. And you know what? It was awesome. Every. Single. Drop.
Anywho, it was a beautiful thing and I love that the Christmas coffee cups are out. And because of my love for them, I have written an haiku:
Christmas coffee cups,Spreading their holiday cheer,Who doesn't love that?Thank you.
Well then, I'm headed out for a latte now.