Oh my goodness! It has been so long since I last wrote that I kind of feel like I need some training wheels to get back into the swing of things!
Quick re-cap of my life, (and subsequent reasons for my inexcusable absence) we went down for some Chi-town love, finished off the bathroom by putting in the porcelain throne and we celebrated Troy's 30th birthday. I have also been consumed with a humongo project that sucked up all my time and brain power, thus drying up my creative juices. In my defense, I have been thinking of blog topics . . . however to due my lack of energy, they were all, well . . . lame, and since I didn't want to disappoint my fantabulous fans, I was holding out for something interesting . . . but . . . it never came. I think my muse went on vacation and decided not to come back. What a jerk!
That was my problem. The harder I tried to think of a topic to blog about, the more lame-o ideas I had to sift through until I realized, that this was one of those times when your brain refuses to do what is expected of it. Like when you go on vacation and Dad says to use the bathroom before you go and you don't "hafta," but then 30 miles down the road your parents wonder if you should sit on a Target bag, due to you're whining because now you hafta! Or when someone introduces you as being funny to a perfect stranger and then the only topic of conversation you can think of to have with this new person is the most recent destructive tsunami and the negative effects of El Niño. (Actually, I did that to a couple of friends of mine once. I introduced them to each other as being super funny and then I swear I heard crickets. As a third party watching, the awkwardness was kind of amusing. My friends were uncomfortable as all get-out though.)
Anywho, just to let you know that I had not forgotten about you, here are a few of my rejected ideas, with commentary, of course:
Rejected Topic #1: How pregnant women and young mothers refer to time only in months. I al

ways think it's funny, but I don't really have a reason why. So the entire blog would be something like, "Isn't funny how moms always refer to time in weeks . . . ?" LAME.
Rejected Topic #2: Something to do with the Kennedys. Troy and I just finished watching the series on Reels. But I realized that it wouldn't really be funny; it would be more like a recap which would be boring and slightly depressing.
Rejected Topic #3: Something to do with Mark Wahlberg . . . again . . . We just watched The Fighter which made me relive the best dream ever, when I told Marky-Mark that I was going to body slam him and then he challenged me to an arm wrestling match which I lost. I didn't really know what other angle to go with.
There you go. My lame-o topics that I have had to sort through and ultimately reject due to their lack of luster. Hopefully, this blog will get me back on the horse again and writing more ridiculous nonsense.