Today is November 2. Election Day. Also known by some
(me) as one of the most fun days of the year. I love to vote. Love it. I am wearing my "I Voted" sticker right now and am seriously considering adding it as an accessory to my outfit tomorrow so I can further enjoy this reminder of my civic duty.
**Side Note: Troy knows how much I love to vote (and the sticker) so he gave me his sticker. If that ain't love then I don't know what love is.** Our original plan was to wake up early this morning and vote before work. By doing so, I would have ample enjoyment of my "I Voted" sticker. However, as we were getting ready for bed last night and about to close our peepers, we realized that we could never get up early. Finally, I asked Troy, "You just wanna vote after work?" Troy's reply, "Yeah." Don't get me wrong, if the only opportunity we had to vote was at the butt-crack of dawn, then yes, we would have gotten up early, but if you know Troy and I at all, you are probably laughing at our attempt of waking up because we are not early risers. Even though I didn't get to enojy my sticker all day, I am thoroughly enjoying it now.
I love voting for more reasons besides that bright, red sticker . . . though that does have a huge influence on me. First of all, you have to check in. Someone has a book with your name it and wants to make sure that you are there to cast your opinion. Look at it as your community viewing you as a rock star. Not only do they want your autograph, they want your input!
(And that is exactly how I view it, obviously.) I was very excited to give my name to the elderly man who was running this station. I flashed him a big toothy grin. Next, they give you a ballot and you get to go to a little cubical. I mean, basically it is like a little fort where you get to hide out. All you need is a s'more. Then, you get to choose whomever you want to for the open office. Awesomeness. There is nobody there telling you what to do. You get to pick whomever you want to. After you're done, you get to bring your ballot to this machine that sucks it up like a Hoover.
(I literally had to keep myself in check. I thought it was really fun how my ballot was sucked in!) Finally, you get your sticker. The whole event makes for a great evening. I wasn't a political science major, but if you throw dinner into the mix, it sounds like a smokin' date night.
Let me get on my soap box for a minute. If you want to get under my skin, tell me you didn't vote, or don't think you want to vote. These are the same people who complain about our government. No way, José. If you don't vote, then you don't whine. If we don't exercise our right to vote, how does that make us any different from some of these other governments such as monarchies or dictatorships? Your vote does make a difference. Okay, I am st

epping off of my soap box now.
Let me end this with a funny story that a teacher at my school told me this afternoon. She said that when her daughter was young she overheard her mother talking about going voting. After hearing this, she insisted upon wearing her bathing suit. Finally, her mother was tired of arguing with her and let her wear the bathing suit. When they arrived at the polling station, the daughter was clearly dejected and wanted to know where the water was. Thinking her daughter was thirsty, she pointed to the water fountain, but the daughter was not satisfied. "I thought you said we were going
boating!" She exclaimed.
Whether it's boating or voting, I love it. Happy Election Day!!